Tuesday of this week was a sobering reminder that evil is alive and well in the United States of America, at least in the state of New York. The New York State Legislature has put into law the most radical, pro-abortion rights in the history of our country. I guess the godless men and women that voted for this wickedness snickered to themselves as they voted this into law and Andrew Cuomo (N.Y. Governor) signed it on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. They gave themselves a standing ovation. You can find the video online with a simple search. Since abortion was legalized, over 54 million babies have been killed in our country. I am surprised the Lord has left us around this long. The bullet points about this legislation can be found on the internet at a variety of sites. I’ll mention some of the points.

  1. The law was written to give the right to abortion from conception right through to the birth.
  2. The abortion doesn’t need to be performed by a doctor. Let me give a quote concerning this part of the legislation. The law allows non-physicians to perform abortions. “A health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting in his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion.” (liveaction.org)
  3. Third trimester abortions are a part of the package. Liveaction.org reported that late term babies can be aborted when a preborn child is diagnosed with a condition that will cause him or her to die at or shortly after birth.”
  4. The law removes protections for babies who survive an abortion procedure. “The new law removes protections for babies born alive after an abortion — meaning they could be left to die after birth — by rescinding a portion of New York’s public health law.”
  5. The law prevents pregnant women whose babies are killed in an attack on the mother from seeking justice and could result in infanticide by repealing the requirement for a second physician to be on hand in case an attempted abortion past 20 weeks yields a live infant.” (breitbart.com)
  6. The law states that an unborn child cannot be a victim of homicide if he dies while in the womb following an attack on the mother. “‘Person,’ when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a human being who has been born and is alive.” (breitbart.com)

A few years ago, I read a quote that really nailed the thinking of these pagans. “Be a hero save a whale; save a baby go to jail.” Just reading the news articles and writing a little about this atrocity causes me to lose compassion toward those that advocate such evil. No wonder Isaiah said, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isa. 5:20). If there was ever a time for prayer, it is now. If America ever needed a revival, it is now. I pray often the prayer of the Apostle John as he closed the Revelation “even so come quickly Lord Jesus.” Our culture is godless. If you hold to the values that are Bible centered and a part of the Judeo-Christian ethic, you are immediately branded as a hater, are phobic, and in need of re-education. James Russell Lowell in his poem “The Present Crisis” wrote this line, “Truth forever on a scaffold and Wrong ever on the throne.” That certainly seems true if you are half way paying attention, but just remember church, we aren’t home yet. There is a God in heaven that oversees the affairs of men. He allows them to choose their path. Romans 1 gives complete description of their downward spiral. At some point, the Lord will make all things right. His judgments are true and righteous. Each of the politicians that vote for evil and call it good will personally stand before God at the Great White Throne of judgment. The only hope they have to escape the wrath of God is to repent and trust Christ to forgive them of their sins.