“I will dwell in them, walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” II Corinthians 6:16.

I trust today is finding you walking with the Shepherd of our souls. Many times, when reading this portion of scripture my focus is on the first part of this section. It is a section which teaches that Christians are to live separated lives from the world. 6:14-16a drives this truth home over and over. But God never takes things away that He doesn’t replace it with something better. If we give up the world that void is filled by the Lord.
1. Notice that first there is a connection. God and His people are connected. “I will dwell in them, and walk in them:” The Holy Spirit lives (dwells) inside of each believer and we have direction and fellowship (walk in them) with God. When we really understand this connection, it leads to a second thing.
2. There is a communion. God always thinks about His people and if they are connected in a right way, they always think about Him. We have confidence in our Lord and so our thoughts are always looking in His direction. I ought to think about Him because He always thinks about me. Seek Him and seek Him often.
3. There is a companionship. “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Happiness should rule the day in the heart of the child of God. We have a companion with us at all times. Have you ever wondered how Noah could keep working on an Ark for 120 years? During that time, he would have been mocked, ridiculed, and harassed. Remember it had never rained at that point in the history of man. His companionship with Jehovah sustained him. We have that same companion today. People may think you’re crazy but that doesn’t matter. The void left by those forsake, mock and ridicule is filled a thousand times over by our God. “I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Don’t ever lose that truth.