Normally, during this season of the year, we are reading the Christmas story of Luke and Matthew. We study it, seeking more insights than ever before, and talking about the baby Jesus when He arrived in Bethlehem at His birth. I am guilty of that very thing just this week. On Wednesday, during the Facebook time that Deb and I do, the devotion came from Matthew 2. I talked about the reactions that people in the Christmas story had to the first coming of Jesus. Herod detested that another “king” had been spoken of. The scribes and chief priests were disinterested in the possible coming of the Christ. He was only six miles away and none of them cared. The third group was different. The wise men, the magi, came from afar because they had seen His star in the east. They came with devotion. So, yes, I also like to hang out in the Christmas stories of Matthew and Luke.

However, today I want us to think about a passage near the end of Matthew. Look with me at Matthew 24:42-46. This portion of scripture speaks of the second coming of Christ not His first. Notice v. 42. “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” The next verse talks about when a thief comes. When no one expects Him. He comes in quickly and at an unexpected time. What if Jesus came during Christmas this year?

  1. Are you ready? Have you trusted Christ and put your faith in His offering of salvation? I sure hope you have. I have known of people over the years of ministry that were a part of the church, had their names on the membership roll, but were never truly born again. First and most important, take care of this if you haven’t already.
  2. What are you doing right now for Christ? Look with me at v. 45. “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat (provision) for his household?” Each of us has the title of servant. That goes against the grain for most Americans, but that is the description given in the New Testament. We are to be slaves to Christ. Paul called himself a “bond-slave”. The picture is a ship with slaves manning the long oars powering the vessel through the water. We all have things we have been entrusted to do. If Jesus came this Christmas would He find you and me faithful?

The blessings of God are upon the servant that is looking for the Lord to return and serving faithfully in the Lord’s assigned work. Each of you have gifts that have been given by the Holy Spirit. Are you using them? That beautiful voice He gave you is supposed to be in a choir. That ability to teach should be used for the glory of God. The heart you had for soul winning ought to still be warm to seeing the lost come to Christ. You know what you could do? Let each of us make sure we are truly saved and then serve and serve and serve some more. Why? This Christmas Jesus could come. Remember, he’ll come when He’s least expected.