Edward Payson Scott was born in 1832 in the United States. His parents were devoted Christians and wished the Lord to use their son, specifically as a foreign missionary. Once he trusted Christ, the Lord put the same desire in his heart. He was introduced to Anna Kay but not in person. Edward and Anna both had previous engagements broken off because their fiancées didn’t wish to serve on a foreign mission field. When Edward heard about Anna, he asked her to marry him before ever seeing her. A preacher visiting in Anna’s family home was reading a devotion. The portion he chose was from Genesis 24. “Wilt thou go with this man?” Rebekah, as we know, said “yes” and became the wife of Isaac without knowing him earlier. Anna also said “yes” and she and Edward were married April 30, 1861. They left for Calcutta in June 1862. For seven years, they served in Calcutta. Then God began to move on Edward’s heart concerning the tribes in the desolate areas, the uncivilized pagans, the Nadas.

Great Britain ruled India from 1857 until 1947. In the early years, parts of India were still dangerous. One particular part was in the northeastern part of the county which was extremely remote. A primitive tribe lived there called the Nadas. They were known to kill those who came into their area. Killing was part of their culture. One of the rituals of the Nadas for a young man who wished to marry was to collect thirty skulls from those he’d killed proving his worth and ability to protect his wife. The warriors who hunted both animals and humans used spears, and the points were dipped in poison.

Edward, with a Bible and a violin, walked into a ravine leading to their area. He found himself surrounded. A dozen warriors on each side with spears ready for another kill. Calmly, Edward opened his violin case and began to play a hymn. “Am I a Soldier of the Cross” was the song he chose. The warriors lowered their spears and listened as he played. The first time I read this story, I couldn’t help but think of the saying “music soothes the savage beasts.” God used music to open the door for the gospel to be preached to the Nadas. Edward was invited to live with them as long as he brought his violin. The Lord brought the gospel to this most dangerous group using a willing man and woman and the talent of playing an instrument. What talent, what gift, do you have that God could use for furthering the gospel? Can you sing? Can you teach? Can you write? What can you do in serving the King of Kings?

Edward would die of Asiatic Cholera. He was 37. Anna would continue to be used by God. She and three children would return home to Chicago. She enrolled in medical school and became a doctor. Anna would practice medicine in Cleveland, Ohio for twelve years. Her children now grown, she returned to the foreign mission field. However, this time it was in a place called Swatow, China. She shared the gospel and gave medical help to hundreds daily. Starting at 4 AM, her days often didn’t finish until after 10 PM. All these accomplishments because a young lady and a young man had a desire to take the gospel to others, even in a part of the world that was savage.