The ancient Canaanites worshipped many gods, but the main god was called Moloch. Several names are offered in the Bible and extra-biblical sources. Among those names would be Molech, Malcom, Milcom and a few other variations. Moloch was a massive, bronze statue located in the Tophet. Jeremiah 7:31 says, “And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not neither came it into my heart.” The prophet tells us the location, Hinnom, and what was taking place there. Many places had a Tophet with a pagan shrine for sacrifice.

The Canaanites were far from being the only ancient people that practiced the killing of children. Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, and Carthaginians are just a few. Two men from ancient history write about the sacrifice of the children. One was Rabbi Schlomo, aka Rashi, who lived in the 12th century. The other was in the 1st century, and his name was Diodorus Siculus. He was a historian. Both of these men gave similar accounts even though they lived almost a thousand years from each other. Siculus wrote about the people of Carthage. Their chief deity was called Cronus, but the practice was identical to that of the ancient Moloch. I’ll paraphrase with my own words combining the two accounts.

A huge bronze statue was erected to the god Cronus. There were multiple compartments within the bronze god, the highest being where children would be offered. The child would be laid on the arms which were extended downward with its hands opened allowing the child to roll into the fire pit below. As the child was rolling downward, the screams would be drowned out by drums, flutes, and other musical instruments so the mothers and fathers couldn’t hear the cries of the baby.

Siculus told the story of the defeat of Carthage by Agathocles. The nobles of the city believed they had caused the defeat because Cronus was angry. Why? They had been purchasing children from poor people and offering those children instead of their own. Often, these nobles would have slaves which would give them children to offer. After the defeat, children from 300 noble families were then taken and offered to this pagan deity seeking to appease him.

You may be asking, “What connection do these ancient peoples have to do with people today?” It is my contention that child sacrifice is still happening. I have said on numerous occasions that the two most dangerous places in America are the college classroom and the womb of a mother. I can easily connect the sacrifice of our college kids as their faith is ripped from them by godless professors, aka priests of Moloch. They are taught to hate morals and the biblical pathways. But the dangerous place I am focusing on for this article is the killing of a baby in the womb.

Why were they motivated to offer their kids? I think there are several things that motivated them. First and foremost was financial. The financially poor mothers and fathers had to watch their child, which they had sold, be burned alive without crying. If they cried they forfeited the money. Mothers today are told, “You can’t afford the child, it will be a financial burden which you don’t need. Abort the child because it is best for YOU.” Another reason. The timing just isn’t right. “YOU are young and have a life full of adventure in front of you and don’t need a baby as an anchor holding YOU down.” There are partner-related excuses, health related excuses, family excuses along with several others. The sacrifice of the baby because its best for YOU is always the justification whether in our own minds or the minds of others. Because those ancient peoples wanted their gods to bless their crops with rain and sun, they sacrificed a child. They didn’t want to be held back from their immorality with freedom, so they sacrificed the child. Often, the ritual services included not only the murder of the child but deviant sexual behaviors of both the heterosexual and homosexual persuasions. Think of the spirit of Jezebel the Bible speaks about. It was all about them, just like America wants it to be all about us. We Christians must take a stand. Abortion rights were curbed a little with the Dobbs Decision in 2022. I say a little because it simply sent the decision back to the individual states. But abortions are still being performed. The most popular form is now a pill. It is still taking an innocent life. Babies are the most innocent among us and yet evil still exists in seeking to kill them. Moloch is alive and well on this globe. I don’t agree very often with Catholics but recently I read a line from an article by a Catholic priest. I don’t have it in front of me at the moment, but his words were “There is a new name for Moloch. Now we call him Choice, Reproductive Rights, and my Body.” Have courage to say and do the right things. Always be biblical as salt and light.