It’s the time of year for Christmas parties. We have plenty of them on the calendar. Sunday school class parties, youth parties, Awana parties, Sr. Adult parties and family parties. At many of those parties you will dress in red and green. Those are the traditional colors around Christmas. We’ll dress in Christmas sweaters and Christmas ties. We’ll find crazy Christmas socks and laugh as we give them to family and friends. Today let me suggest another way to dress this Christmas. Of course, we should dress this way the whole year but perhaps if we are a little more focused this Christmas we will have the chance to bring joy to those we cross paths with this Christmas season.

Look with me at Colossians 3:12-17. This passage begins with three little words, “Put on therefore…” As you are dressing for the day’s activities or the night’s events, “put on”, get dressed in this Christmas attire. As you dress for a regular day you plan, don’t you? The calendar for your day determines what you wear. As we get dressed spiritually there is also planning involved. We predetermine to put these items on that are found in our passage as we navigate the holidays. I’ll begin with v.12 and walk through verse 17 with brief comments.

  1. Kindness and humility (v.12) should be a part of the day’s attire. Both of these can be shared easily. Open a door for someone. Let another car have the closer parking spot. Put these on like gloves on a cold day.
  2. Forbearing and forgiving (v.13). Forbearing simply means to be patient with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgiving doesn’t really need any explanation it is just hard to do unless we take it off the closet hanger and plan to wear it. Don’t quarrel and fuss with family or friends.
  3. Charity (v.14). Perhaps this needs to be the overcoat when dressing. Do you really want to know how spiritually mature you are? Notice the last part of this verse. It says, “which is the bond of perfectness.” This is the glue that binds us in harmony. It doesn’t mean we don’t speak the truth but there is most times a way to speak truth without fracturing.
  4. Peace (v.15). I want to put this hat on every day. No matter what steps into my life, I sure want the peace of God to rule. Peace is a wonderful thing in the body of Christ. When I think of having peace I immediately think “don’t get anxious” (Philippians 4:6). These verses complement each other.
  5. Bible (v.16). My shirt, pants and vest need to be the Word of Christ, the Word of God. In these clothes there is wisdom. As I speak to people in grocery stores and restaurants, teaching and instruction is always at the ready. It can take the form of a conversation or it can simply be a song that is sung as I go about my life. I find myself whistling often as I am out. Why? I want people to know I am a happy and blessed man. Let me encourage you to do the same. There are many ways to share the bible and the sharing ought to be accompanied with a smile on our faces.
  6. Thanksgiving (v.17). Thanksgiving, I believe starts with the desire to do all for the glory of God. In our minds we begin to innumerate the goodness of God. We move from thinking to actions and those actions have one over-riding goal, “to do all in the name of the Lord.” Our attitude and actions should glorify God, period. The more this is our goal the more grateful and thankful we are for what God has done.

When you dress yourself in the clothes of our passage others are sure to be blessed. These actions we are “putting on” are a gift to God and to those we meet. As children, we were all taught it is more blessed to give than to receive. How much more is this teaching true when you and I give our Christmas garb to bless and influence others.