It is six o’clock in the morning and it’s Friday. I had been praying off and on during the night for our church, our nation, Israel, and the many personal needs among the families of the church. I started the coffee and logged on to the internet to catch up on the latest news from overnight. Near the top of the news feed were stories about Israel and the war. Pictures from articles and videos were right in front of me publicizing the topic. Something is happening more and more, and it bothers me greatly. What? Hatred of the Jews. A couple of blogs ago, I wrote about the attempts of Satan to murder Jesus, the Messiah. The hatred that went into those attempts is still just as white-hot today. Antisemitism is now rampant on college campuses across the United States. October 25, 2023, only days after the brutal attack by Hamas on October 7th, the NYC College students had a protest. About what? About the nation of Israel responding to the attack. The protest was so amped that police took twenty Jewish students and locked them in the Cooper Union Library to protect them from the mob. Their lives were in jeopardy for one reason, they were Jewish.

As a Christian, I am commanded to love God and hate evil (Psalm 97:10). To desire the death of Jews is evil and I’m to fight it. We are to fight not only that evil, but all evils. But we must not forget that specific evil. It is happening more and more each day we live. Why am I, a Christian and a citizen of America, to be thankful for this little nation the size of New Jersey? Many reasons could be given from the scientific advancements discovered to the life changing inventions by Jewish minds. Jewish mathematicians and scientists have been at the top of that field for hundreds of years. My main two reasons are much simpler.

  1. The Bible was given to us by Jews. The greatest book of all time was written by Jewish authors under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. With the possible exception of Luke, every other writer was Jewish. Everything we know about Christianity we learned from a Jewish writer. Paul, a Jew. Peter, a Jew. James and Jude, Jews. John, a Jew. Mark, a Jew. All these New Testament men are from the lineage of Israel. Don’t you love your Bible? Thank a few God-fearing Jews.
  2. Our Savior, our Christ, is Jewish. The Son of God came to save the world and he decided to arrive in the form of a Jewish baby. He lived among the Jewish people and taught in their synagogues. That very same man of Jewish descent was willing to lay down his life so Jew and Gentile (me and you) could be saved. That’s a pretty big reason to thank the Jewish nation. Let me interject this at this point. There are antisemites even among the ranks of professed Christians that Jesus isn’t Jewish. They make outlandish claims about the lineage of Jesus and state that he wasn’t of “Jewish bloodline.” Their hatred has corrupted their godless minds. The lineage of Jesus in Matthew and Luke. Both testify to his lineage from the nation of Israel. The life he lived, vested in Judaism, screams he is Jewish. The proponents of these heresies are most often cults.

Yes, this preacher loves Israel. Without Israel my soul would be damned. Without Israel I would not have a Bible that is inspired of God, the book that gives me strength and instruction. These are my top two reasons. What are your reasons to love and thank Israel?