This little motto is one we have used around the church for at least thirty years. When we first started using it in some of the literature and advertising, I remember thinking, “That’s the way we should think of and believe about our church. It is a great place to belong.” I know after all these years my heart hasn’t changed one bit. What is it about a church where members and guests feel good about attending? I think the word is kindness. Some would say it is love but I think it begins with kindness. I am well aware that Paul said in I Corinthians 13 that the greatest of faith, hope and charity is love. But can you love someone deeply without knowing them for a little while? I know Jesus loves everyone and died on the cross to prove it, but we aren’t Jesus and are flawed. When visiting with people sometimes I try to include some humor or levity to the conversation. I’ll say something like, “We would love for you to come visit with us. You know Jesus loves you and we’ll give it a shot.” But we can always look for a chance to show kindness. One night David was taking a trip down memory lane. He was thinking about his friend Jonathan and even King Saul whom he tried to faithfully serve. He asked his servants about Saul’s family. II Samuel 9 he asks, “Is there any of the house of Saul that I can show a kindness to.” Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth who was lame in his feet. David takes him from the backside of a desert, and he eats at the king’s table the rest of his life.

Let me give you some things I wrote on a legal pad early this morning. Some of these were my thoughts and others I found online. No particular order, just some things to spur you on with kindness in your heart. You can add ways to the list as the Lord directs you.

  • Bake a cake; Cook a meal; Give up a seat; Tell a joke; Tell someone you are proud of them; Buy the coffee for the person behind you at Dunkin (I don’t hang at Starbucks, too woke); Sit with the elderly; Smile and hold a door for someone; Email a quote that blessed you; Thank a waitress, she might be having an awful day; Call a friend just because; Send flowers to a friend; Pick-up groceries for someone that is ill; Cut a neighbors grass; Send a card or letter to your parents or grandparents; Lastly, when you see someone at church and don’t recognize them, make it a point to introduce yourself with a big smile.

Perhaps one of the greatest compliments our church has ever received is that we are “very friendly” to those that walk through our doors. To be “friendly is to be kind.” When Christians practice kindness it is beautiful to behold. Let me begin to wind this blog up with a passage of scripture that is often overlooked when we are picking passages to preach or teach. Acts 28:11-16 tells the story of Paul on his way to Rome. He had appealed to Caesar and as a Roman citizen he had that right. 28:13-14 they came to Puteoli and found other Christians who showed great kindness. They wanted Paul to stay with them a whole week. 28:15 tells of Christians that heard about Paul and desired to show kindness, so they came to meet him. They came from a good distance to see and assist him. The mark of a Christian is kindness. Once the relationship is established by kindness, I think that love begins to bloom in the hearts of God’s people. The church is a special place with special people. I love belonging to the Corinth Baptist Church and so should you if you’re a member. If not, what’s stopping you? The water is great, come on in.