Shadrach Meshach Lockridge was born in 1913. He died in 2000. Most of you don’t have any idea who this man was. I thought I’d share a little about him. He was an African American preacher from California. He pastored the Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego from 1953 to 1993. He was very popular in many circles of Christianity because of his pulpit preaching. He would start slow and build to a crescendo leaving you on the edge of your seat.

Why am I remembering S.M. Lockridge? At this time of year something sparks a memory of a message he preached many times over. That spark this year came from a text from one of the deacons, Danny Knight. He wanted to know if I’d heard of him. Since that text and conversation with Danny, I have gone back in the memory banks of my mind and have experienced joy and happiness from what I think are his three greatest sermons.

“He’s My King” is usually at the top of many preachers’ lists. That isn’t the first on my list. The second on the list is “The Lordship of Christ.” I have an old cassette of Bro. Lockridge preaching this at a preacher’s conference at my home church in Savannah. I wasn’t there for the service; I was away at college preparing for the ministry, but I heard about the sermon. There was a packed house mainly of white preachers that were not all that emotional, and he had that place going crazy. I ordered a cassette and have been blessed a hundred times over listening to this great sermon by this great man of God. The third sermon has blessed Christians during Easter for decades. The sermon title is “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming.” This sermon made such an impression on one preacher named Tony Campolo that he began preaching the sermon and wrote a book with the same title. He did give credit to Bro. Lockridge as the originator of the message. I came across a small transcript of this message from “The Preachers Word” website. It was posted by Ken Weliever and I thought I’d share it with you. I thank Bro. Weliever for doing this heavy lifting of the transcript.

   “It’s Friday – Jesus is praying – Peter’s a sleeping – Judas is betraying – But Sunday’s comin.It’s Friday – Pilate’s struggling – The council is conspiring – The crowd is vilifying – They don’t even know – That Sunday’s comin.

     It’s Friday – The disciples are running like sheep without a shepherd – Mary’s crying – Peter is denying – but they don’t know – That Sunday’s a comin.

     It’s Friday – The Romans beat my Jesus – They robe Him in scarlet – They crown Him with thorns – But they don’t know – That Sunday’s comin.

     It’s Friday – See Jesus walking to Calvary – His blood dripping – His body stumbling – And His spirit’s burdened – But you see, it’s only Friday – Sunday’s comin.

     It’s Friday – The world’s winning – People are sinning – And evil’s grinning.

     It’s Friday, (they say) The soldiers nail my Savior’s hands to the cross – They nail my Savior’s feet to the cross – And then they raise him up- Next to criminals.

     “It’s Friday” – But let me tell you something”  The congregation shouts, “Sunday’s comin.”

     It’s Friday – The disciples are questioning – What has happened to their King – And the Pharisees are celebrating – That their scheming has been achieved – But they don’t know – It’s only Friday – Sunday’s comin’

     It’s Friday – He’s hanging on the cross – Feeling forsaken by His Father – Left alone and dying – Can nobody save Him?

     It’s Friday – But Sunday’s comin’

     It’s Friday – The earth trembles – The sky grows dark – My King yields His spirit.

     It’s Friday – Hope is lost – Death has won – Sin has conquered – and Satan’s just a laughin’
     It’s Friday – Jesus is buried – A soldier stands guard – And a rock is rolled into place – But it’s Friday – It is only Friday.” 

    Sunday is a comin”

So, on this Friday, remember that even when all the hounds of Hell seem to be snapping at your heels, Sunday’s coming. Easter Sunday is the greatest day in the history of the world. It was the day that God declared the sin debt had been paid. All people have to do is open the door of their heart in repentance and ask Jesus to save them, accepting the free gift. Have you told anyone lately about your Jesus?