“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27. Are you listening to all the chaos in the world at this moment? Every single day there are more and more stories on social media, television, radio, and even what we personally see to cause us to shake our heads in disbelief. Mass shootings and immoral perversions have become the norm. Is it any wonder that children are anxious? Kids are constantly told they are going to die from climate change or nuclear war. Evil or deluded educators are indoctrinating, from early ages, with anti-biblical philosophies such as Marxism, socialism, CRT, along with many forms of feminism. As a child growing up in the 60’s and early 70’s, the medical profession was admired. The Hippocratic Oath “do no harm” was instilled into the brightest and most ethical who became doctors and nurses bringing good to society. When was the last time you heard a doctor talking about the Hippocratic Oath? Today, we have in certain sectors doctors and university hospitals that will butcher children and teens because she or he has expressed confusion mentally about their gender. A huge statistical jump numerically of these dysphorias can be laid at the feet of professionals in education and medicine, who instead of standing against this evil, acquiesce to mob mentality because they fear being canceled or attacked. Politicians and news media people are not exempt. They look into cameras daily and flat out lie. Just thinking about all these stories as I write this today irritates and angers me greatly. What am I to do? The first thing I need to do is calm down and take a deep breath. Let’s look at this one verse quoted earlier.

  1. “My sheep hear my voice…” God’s children, those that truly belong to Christ, hear the Lord’s voice. Genuine Christians have the Holy Spirit living inside of them and He speaks to them with a still small voice. We also have the Bible. The Holy Spirit will never tell you to do something the Bible condemns. That would be a contradiction of the Spirit. I Peter tells us that He the Spirit moved upon those bible writers to write exactly what He wished for us to know. Turn off the TV. Stop spending hours on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever the latest craze happens to be. (A sidebar for parents. Your children don’t need to be on Tik Tok.) If you want peace in the midst of all this societal chaos, saturate your mind with the Philippians 4:8-9 list. Listen to the voice of Jesus.
  2. “…and I know them…” It is peaceful and comforting to know that Jesus knows me. I am one of His sheep and He lets me have a wonderful relationship with Him. I get to talk with Him personally all the time. You know, you can also. Perhaps you already do spend time with the Lord in your quiet times. D.L. Moody made this observation during his ministry. He said, “I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t have the assurance of his salvation do much for God.” Get that settled if you don’t really have confidence that you are saved. Once you have trusted Jesus, don’t let the devil sit on your shoulder telling you that you aren’t a true believer. Jesus knows His children and that’s comforting in a nutty world.
  3. “…and they follow me.” That is the last portion of the verse. Obedience to commands and directions of Christ always leads to a green pasture. If you are living anxiously ask yourself, are you following Jesus closely? I don’t want our church kids to be scared at night that nuclear war or global warming is going to get them. I want them to learn at an early age that God is in control. He didn’t set the earth’s watch and then leave for a vacation. The Lord’s eyes are always on us, and He never sleeps nor even slumbers (Psalm 121:3-4). How about you and I keep our heads in this wacky world. None of this slipped up on the Lord and one day He’ll set all things right. He is just, that is His nature.

Make it a priority to tune out the static we are deluged with each day. Instead of listening to the radio news over and over or reading a hundred stories on social media which you have already heard and seen many times, open a bible app and play it in your vehicle as you drive. Listen to the word of God and remember our verse for today. It will help you stay sane.