“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:16-18

Choose any day of the week and watch this type of transaction happen. You are sitting in line at Dunkin needing a cup of coffee. America runs on Dunkin you know. The person in front of you or perhaps you hold up your mobile phone and the server scans a code from your phone app. You walk into a hardware store to buy a box of screws. You take your debit or credit card from your wallet and simply lay it across a reader, and you are done and on your way. Is that not convenient? It is simple and fast. No hassle, no fuss. Let me ask you a question or two. How big is the leap from a chip on a card to a chip in your hand? You simply place your hand on the reader when buying those screws and you do not even have to worry about losing the card? What if we had that IR Code on that app tattooed on our hand? Would that not be cool?

Part of a pastor’s responsibility is to watch. He is to be discerning as to the times and dangers that threaten the people, his flock. I believe that Satan is beguiling. When reading the Revelation, we see that in latter days his activity will be increased. A huge part of his work during the Tribulation will be seeking the destruction of Israel and the people that come to Christ during this awful seven-year period. He will insist that everyone take the mark and to motivate those on the earth they will not be able to buy or sell, live their lives, unless they have his mark. Is it possible that we are being pushed toward this? A month ago, I watched a politician on a video clip say if you do not take the vaccine you should not be allowed to buy food or work. I read an article from Forbes Magazine this week. It was about a conference where people were being implanted with an RFID chip. It is inserted in the hand between the thumb and forefinger. Let me share with you a portion of the article. “The practical appeal of an RFID implant, in theory, is quick authentication that’s faster, cheaper and more reliable than other biometrics like thumbprints or facial scans. When the chip is hit with a radio frequency signal, it emits a unique identifier number that functions like a long, unguessable password. Implantees like Andrew imagine the ability to unclutter their pockets of keys and keycards and instead access their cars, computers, and homes with a mere wave of the hand(https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/08/13/want-an-rfid-chip-implanted-into-your-hand-heres-what-the-diy-surgery-looks-like-video/?sh=744f64e05ae1). Many of those at this conference were lined up to be implanted. $30 and sign a waiver, and you are ready for a life change. A couple of days ago, one of our young men sent me a link with something that could very well be a precursor to the “mark of the beast.” It concerned a project the Pentagon was developing where an implanted chip could detect viruses in the blood. They say the goal is to identify health risks, like Covid, quickly. Stories abound concerning implants and under the skin readings and scans.

How do we filter all these things? We always filter biblically. Our first thoughts when reading and listening to things like I have shared is to ask what does the Bible say? That is the Christian’s default position. We understand that God is in control. Plans by Satan and his evil minions never take God by surprise. So, we simply trust God. We do everything we can to live our lives for his glory. We should not get anxious and agitated. We are promised in the bible that we are not appointed to wrath (I Thessalonians 5:9). The good Lord feeds the sparrows and the robins, and he will feed us also (Philippians 4:19).

The next time you watch that millennial in front of you getting her coffee while holding up that IR Code, just smile knowing that God is in control. All these stories mean that Jesus is just that much closer to coming. As one preacher used to say, “I believe the coming of the Lord is so near that Gabriel is already licking his lips ready to blow the trumpet.”