What is more important, reading your Bible or praying? That was a question I heard on a Christian radio station as I drove into the office early this morning. What would your answer be? This question was posed to the pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, the “Prince of Preachers” Charles H. Spurgeon, back in the late 1800’s. The answer he gave was brilliant and one that I plan to remember when I am asked something similar. CHS responded by asking a question to the person who had asked the question. He asked, “What is more important, breathing in or breathing out?” Both are vital. When I became a Christian, I was taught that reading the Bible is God speaking to me and when I pray that is me speaking to God. The relationship began at salvation but it deepened as I spent time listening to the Lord speak (reading my Bible) and me personally learning to pray. I choose, when possible, to begin my day reading my Bible and then after a little while begin my prayer time. Why do I use this order? Reading the Bible means I am listening before talking. The Lord gave us two ears and one mouth. It only seems logical that we ought to listen more than we talk. That is hard for most of us. Reading seems to knock away the cobwebs and clutter mentally as I make myself spend time reading and focusing. Most of us wake each morning with a to-do list a mile long. More is accomplished and crossed off the list if we will devote a little time to the Lord early. Martin Luther would tell people that he “had so much to do that he had to spend at least three hours in scripture to get it all done.” The scriptures warm our hearts and teach us principles of the Christian walk. Things such as: how to pray, how to be content, how to treat our family, how to forgive, why attend church, why we ought to give generously, how to be a good employee, how to intercede for brothers and sisters that are hurting, how to have discernment, and a thousand other things. When we are daily learning these things, we are able to talk to the Lord while in prayer, asking him to help us with even more understanding. We are aware the Lord listens to our requests when we are in tune (in fellowship) with him. We are able to praise him for his greatness because we have learned so much about him we did not know before we read. In prayer, we yield ourselves to the Lord asking him for power to be the right kind of Christian. Remember, both breathing in and breathing out are equally important. Learn to read the Bible and pray daily. They both are oxygen for the soul.