The last chapter of Ephesians gives us a huge warning. Look with me at 6:10-17, especially v.13. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and have done all, to stand.” From v.10 forward, Paul is coming to the end of this letter, and he is giving some last instructions for these believers in Ephesus. He admonishes them to put on the whole armor of God. These Christians at Ephesus could easily visualize a soldier and the equipment the Roman soldiers wore. Paul described for them what they needed as believers who were soldiers of the King.

Why do we need armor?

  1. Satan is alive and well. We are in a battle. We aren’t battling people, but demonic forces. 6:12 gives the power rankings of the angelic realm. Principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness. Because of these, the Christian better well be equipped if he or she are to survive. When you trusted Christ, you were enlisted in the Lord’s army. Just as a soldier receives armor and equipment to support him in times of battle, so the child of God needs armor, a spiritual armor. Satan knows his days are numbered. Revelation tells us that during the Tribulation his efforts will increase (Rev 12:12). In the passage we are told of the wiles (trickery, deceit) of the devil. Devil means the “accuser.” Satan has so clouded the minds of world movers and shakers that it astounds common sense.
  2. Society has rejected God. Paul began chapter 6 with instruction for the children concerning obedience to parents. One of the traits of the last days is disobedience to parental authority. It is an amazing thing that a 14-year-old girl can have an abortion in some states and the parents find out about it afterward. Afterward, if the girl has medical complications, then they are required to pay for the medical bills. The scars last a lifetime, but a society that devalues life is not bothered by it one wit. It is amazing that kindergarteners are taught in most public schools about transgenderism and godless lifestyles when they should be learning ABC’s and playing on a playground. We are living the description of Romans 1 right before our very eyes. What are the Christians to do?
  3. Standing is God’s Instruction. In Ephesians 6:13-14 the word “stand” is used in both verses. We as soldiers of God have received our orders and we have been given equipment. To be successful we must put on the armor and do what we are told. Stand! We get dressed in the armor of God (6:14-17a). We take our sword, the Bible, in our hand (6:17b). We get prepared mentally, physically and most of all spiritually. The battle isn’t coming, its already here. Paul used the phrase “in the day of evil.” The question wasn’t if that evil day was coming but when. It is here. It’s time to stand like men. In 480 BC, the Persians were the rulers of the known world. A band of 300 Spartans, led by Leonidas, fought against this massive army in the Battle of Thermopylae. It is estimated that the Spartans were outnumbered massively. 300 against 150K. Some older sources claim the number is one million on the side of the Persians. Thermopylae means “the hot gates.” The spiritual warfare we are engaged in could rightly be described the same way. It may seem that God’s people are greatly outnumbered. We don’t worry about that. It may seem that God’s side is losing the battle. We don’t worry about that. We stand dressed in the armor of God and wielding the sword of the Spirit. The victory will be ours. God never fails and he’s never lost a fight. Go get dressed.