“I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand

Than to be the king of a vast domain
And be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.”

Do you remember this song? George Beverly Shea would sing it often at the Crusades of Bill Graham. Proverbs 15:15-17 is a wonderful passage that makes a contrast of the different choices that people can make. Choosing Jesus is always best. We’ll come back to the passage in Proverbs in a moment. The Epistle of Hebrews was written to a group of Christians who had left Judaism. As time wore on the persecution began to increase. Families disowned these new Christians, employers fired others and the religious authorities sought to physically harm these “apostates” from the Jewish teachings. Some of these Hebrew Christians were thinking long and hard about turning their backs on Christ so the persecution would stop. The writer of Hebrews is spurring them on and one of the themes, if not the major theme, of the book is Christ is better. He is better than sacrifices, better than those Jewish priests, better than Old Testament leaders, better than angels and his offering of Christianity is better than all other religions, including Judaism. Choosing Christ is the admonishment.

Back to Proverbs 15. There are choices people make and those choices make a huge difference. Let me share with you three thoughts today.

  1. There is a Beginning if we are to choose Jesus and his way of life. How did Jesus live? He lived a very simple life. Proverbs 15:16 tells us “Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.” If we choose Jesus that is our starting point. We make the decision to accept Christ and to put Jesus first in all things. My first year of Bible College I watched two upper classmen play basketball at the school. They were fantastic. Easily they lead their societies to be the favorites to win the championship that year in basketball. I learned that both of these young men had been outstanding high school players and multiple colleges had approached them with scholarship offers. Both turned the scholarships down. Why? Jesus had saved them and called them into the ministry. To live the Christian life, we must start by saying and might I add by singing “I’d rather have Jesus than …”
  2. There is a Pursuing. We run the race that is set before us. We don’t waiver. We don’t falter. We simply follow Christ and the path he has given. Proverbs 15:17 “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” The writer is making a comparison not so much about the type of food but the atmosphere in which the meal is eaten. It boils down to a heart matter not the amount of material wealth. Pursuing Christ means we seek every day to live for the Lord. We do it with the attitude of contentment and dedication. It is a beautiful thing when families have peace in the home because they are pursuing Christ. The Christian life is always better, so we go after it. We want to know more about Jesus tomorrow than we do today.
  3. There is a Reward that comes from choosing Jesus. Twice in our passage the word “better” is used. Peace and contentment are two of the fantastic rewards we can receive when we wish to know more about Jesus. The more we truly know him the better things become. I personally have more peace in my soul now than at any time in my Christian life. I have sought Christ and am daily blessed with the contentment in most things. I haven’t arrived but choosing Christ and learning about him has never disappointed. The joy of being a Christian has never been stronger. Why are these things true? Because I know more about Jesus than any time in my 50-year journey. The Christian ought to get happier and more joyful each day. Circumstances should not dictate your desire to know Christ. J.I. Packer had a friend that lost his job and career at a business because he was dedicated to Christ. He simply smiled and said to Mr. Packer, “I know God and they don’t.” Knowing Christ is better, making all the difference.