Years ago, I was told of an old spiritual that the slaves would sing, and one line of the song says, “everybody talking about heaven ain’t goin”. If you were to stop the average person on the street and ask, “Are you going to heaven when you die?” I think the majority would say “yes”. They would offer a myriad of reasons why. But what about you and me? We know the correct answer, don’t we? We believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Not working our way to heaven, we simply say we are trusting Jesus. With that, do you think that Satan could have deceived people into saying or acknowledging something about Jesus and those people still be lost? To use bible terminology, they profess but do not possess.

I John is a marvelous little book in the back of the New Testament. This letter is perhaps the most intimate book in the Bible. Written when John was an old man somewhere in the 90’s AD. This aged man gives us (along with everyone else) seven test questions for us to know if we are truly saved. These seven “Do I” questions are scattered throughout the five chapters. Let’s ask ourselves these questions right now. Grab your bible and turn to I John.

  1. Do I desire to obey the WOG(vs. 2:3-5)? Perhaps John had a memory pop into his mind. John 14:15 happened 60 years earlier. They were in the Upper Room and Judas defected, turning against Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus tells John and the other disciples, “If you love me keep my commandments.” Now John is sharing this with those he loves dearly. He wants them to know they are born again. The word know is Ginosko and it means experiential knowledge not just academic.
  2. Do I love the world(vs. 2:15)? Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life are three areas we all struggle. Gen. 3:6 tells us about the first woman. “Eve saw it was pleasant to the eye.” Solomon in the Proverbs tells us about a young man and a painted lady. He is led “like an ox to the slaughter.” Do you live after the world constantly? We are commanded not to.
  3. Do I desire the Will of God(vs. 2:17)? “Abideth forever.” Living forever, eternal life in heaven, is what “abide forever” means. The world passes away one day. Everything we see will one day be gone. All our possessions will be gone. Like smoke from a campfire. Gone. But he that doeth the will of God will experience the Heaven life.
  4. Do I have victory over sin(vs. 3:9)? We are in the process of being sanctified. We have been saved from the penalty of sin. We are being saved from the power of sin. A constant battle within us is our lot until we receive our glorified bodies. So, remember that we still have a sin nature, and we are in a war but you and I should have victory over sin most of the time. The little word “commit” means to practice as a lifestyle. Choosing to sin is dangerous. If we are truly Christians when we sin we are convicted. If we do not repent we receive chastisement or discipline. If we are still stubborn it could be that the Lord simply calls us home early. If there is no chastisement according to Hebrews we are illegitimate.
  5. Do I desire to be around other Christians(vs. 3:14-15)? “I don’t do church anymore.” Responses like this are a dime a dozen these days. People think it sounds intellectual and sophisticated. Phrases like “church is man’s idea, not God’s” shows the ignorance they possess. Mt. 16:18 tells us flat out that Jesus claimed the church as his creation and possession. It is the only organization he promised to build. “I’m against organized religion.” Why did Paul write letters to Timothy? So, he’d know what and how to do church. Paul wanted Timothy to lead the church correctly. Those Christians this young preacher would teach needed each other just as we need each other. No desire to be in God’s house, with God’s people is a cause of great concern.
  6. Do I have the witness of the Holy Spirit(vs. 3:24)? “Who’s that talking to me?” That little, small voice inside is a good thing. We all are born with a conscience. When we are born again we have a second voice inside, that of the sweet Holy Spirit of God. That voice unlike the conscience will never lead you astray. Our consciences can be harmed, calloused, even killed if we are careless. But if you have the Holy Spirit in you that voice will always lead you to do the right thing. If you don’t have that voice you may have just failed this “Do I” question.
  7. Do I have the Son of God(vs. 5:11-12)? What is the record John is referencing? It is the Bible. God loves to write things down for us. He’s given us 27 books in the NT and 39 in the OT. It is called by many “God’s love letter to us.” Each book points to Jesus and our need of being saved. Have you asked Jesus into your heart? Have you repented of your sins asking for forgiveness?

Did you answer each question correctly? If you did, I praise the Lord. But if you didn’t, if you aren’t sure, why not get it settled today? D.L. Moody said, “I’ve never seen anyone do much for God that didn’t have the assurance of their salvation.”