Do you look at labels on products to see where they are made? Have you ever looked at products with the “good housekeeping seal of approval”? I do and I have. Why? I want to know that the purchase I am about to make is based on quality. I want a truck that has a good track record mechanically, not just a color I like. I want a washing machine that will last long past the warranty. We used to hear a word that described a man or woman who were known to do a great job in their everyday work. They were called “craftsmen.” They stamped their work with quality. When they put their name on a piece of work at its conclusion, it had been autographed with excellence.

That is what God did in His creation. Genesis 1:26-27 lets us know a great truth in the beginning of the Bible. He created man in His image and likeness. We are told this truth two more times in the next few chapters of Genesis. Look at 5:1-2. “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” 9:6 tells us, “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”

How are we to understand being made in the image of God? Does this mean we are little gods? Does it mean we have a spark of divine in us? What it means is simply that we have certain attributes of God in our humanity. In creation, yes, the six-day creation, man was created last and was the greatest of all things and beings created. Man is the only part of creation that the scripture tells us is in the image of God, giving man special status. Man is the only being that is given dominion over other creatures and creations. But no, we are not little gods and we do not have a spark of divine. We are all sinners by nature. It just lets us know that God placed in us abilities that other creatures do not have. What are some of those abilities? I will give a short list because of space.

  1. We have the ability to create. Just as God has within His power to create beauty, so we as humans do also. Some are more gifted in creation than others, but we all have that trait from our creator. Stories are written, paintings are painted and joy comes from these accomplishments. Pieces of music are composed and people are blessed by the product of these musical artists. These abilities stem from our creator, the one who made us in His image.
  2. We have the ability to reason and make choices. The animals do not have this ability. Animals make decisions innately, instinctively. Only man has the intellect and power to choose. We can solve problems as we think them through.
  3. We instinctively know what is right and wrong. The law of God is stamped in our creation. Each of us, even the unsaved, have a conscience. We know what is good and we know what is evil. It is only when we violate and sear our consciences do we turn a blind eye to sin and evil.
  4. We have the ability to love each other. The Bible tells us that God is love and we humans have the ability to immolate that attribute of God.

Each of you that will read this blog need to remember this truth. You are created by God and certain attributes of God can be seen in you. It is up to you to develop these traits. Psalm 139:14 tells us “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Fearfully and wonderfully made. What a great phrase. Fearfully could have a synonym “awesomely.” Mankind, man, and woman, is God’s crowning of His creation. Let’s make our prayer today something like this. “Dear Lord, would you help me today be just a little more like you?