Israel’s war in Gaza with Hamas continues. It has been a while since I commented about this war which began with the evil attack against Israel on October 7th, 2023. It was the most vicious on the Jewish population since WWII. The number of dead is approximately 1200. The hostages taken numbered at least 240. In the past few weeks, Israel has rescued some of them while others remain in captivity. Accounts vary as to the number still alive, but the numbers range from 50 to 60. The authorities know that at least 66 died at the hands of Hamas while in captivity.

Hezbollah is also a terrorist organization, just like Hamas, operating from Lebanon. Put your finger on a map of Israel and go north along the Mediterranean coastline and you’ll run into Lebanon. It is my opinion, trying to stay current with the news, that this is the next war Israel will be engaged in. It may very well be that Israel will be fighting at least a two-front war at the same time. Fighting Hamas in Gaza, which is in the south, and Hezbollah in the north. Hassan Nasrallah is the Secretary General of Hezbollah and has been for over 30 years. A few days ago, he made some statements that Israel, I am sure, is taking seriously. I’ll share two. He declared that his terrorist organization is ready to invade in the upper Galilee of Israel. They are already lobbing rockets into Israel. The next thing he said was Hezbollah would not stop its war against Israel until the war in Gaza stops. Next door to Lebanon is Syria, which is also a sworn enemy of Israel. All of these groups receive big money from Iran. The United Nations is a hotbed of Jewish hatred. Constant resolutions condemning Israel and it seems that even the United States is waffling with its support. Mix all these enemies together and a question emerges.  What is a country the size of New Jersey going to do against these enemies? They will fight to the death no doubt. Several years ago, I was listening to a preacher and he referenced the change in the mindset of Israel. His name was Marv Rosenthal. He and I would differ on our eschatology, but he loved Israel. He’s passed on to heaven, but I never forgot his words on the radio that day. “Israel no longer has a Masada complex; they now have a Samson complex.” The difference between these two is simple. At Masada, the Jewish rebellion ended with them committing suicide. We’ll just die before our enemies can get to us. A Samson complex is a reference to how Samson died. He knew his life was about to end, but his thought was I will take as many of them with me as possible. That is Israel’s mindset today according to Marv.

Again, what is a country the size of New Jersey going to do against these enemies? Exodus 15, the children of Israel sang a song to the LORD. What was this song referring to? It referred to the LORD as their “strength and song” (v.2) after he had crushed the Egyptian army of Pharoah at the Red Sea. “The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name” (Exodus 15:3). The answer to the above question is that the LORD is the protector of this little nation the size of a small state. Four things the nation sang about in their psalm or song.

  1. They Praised God for Victory over Egypt. We see that in v. 1-3; 6-8; 11-13; 21. The days were long and the nights filled with sadness living as slaves in a foreign land yet the LORD had not forgotten them. Since Joseph had died it had been 340 years. He had told them God would visit them and when he did, “take my bones with you when you leave.” God did visit them and Moses led them out of Egypt after the plagues. No weapons, the enemy changed his mind concerning letting them leave, and began pursuing them only to run right into Israel’s “man of war.” Game, set, and match.
  2. They had Great Joy because of the Victory. 15: 4-5; 9-10. When victory has been achieved the heart overflows. At this moment, Israel is surrounded by enemies that wish to “drive them into the sea.” Israel has tried to live peacefully with her enemies. Five times since 1936 Israel has agreed to a “two-state” solution. The Peal Commission came up with this solution and Israel said ‘fine’ giving up 80% of its land mass. Multiple times Israel has been attacked and for peace, offered land only to be in a war and retake the same land. There will be great joy in Israel’s future, but it will be down the road after at least seven long years we know as the Tribulation.
  3. They Gave a Warning to other Nations. 15:14-16a. Edom and Moab will be amazed and tremble. Amazed and tremble at what? That Israel’s Man of War crushes everything in his path. The whole world will come against Israel one day and we seem to be heading in that direction looking at the United Nations and the riots on university campuses in the West. That is the prophecy in Zechariah 14:2. But in that same prophecy, verse 3, it tells us that “Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.” Israel’s “Man of War” will not allow Israel to be annihilated. The nation will have troubles but she will never cease to be.
  4. They Expected God to Fulfill his Promise. 15:16b-17. God keeps his promises! The Bible tells us it is impossible for God to lie. All of the land Israel has offered to live peacefully, only to be attacked over and over, will one day be Israel’s land again, along with a whole lot more. The Jewish people will live in the land of Israel. In our children’s classes we often have teachers that will lead the children in songs. One of those songs is “Jesus Loves Me.” You’re probably starting to hum it in your mind right now. The last words say “for the Bible tells me so.” We have the promise that Jesus loves us and we know it because the Bible tells us so. So, Israel, the apple of God’s eye, has the promise of living in the land during a time of peace and prosperity under Messiah, the Lord Jesus. This is going to happen because the strength and power of Israel’s “Man of War.” Revelation 19 tells us how this strength and power is exhibited. In a quick moment, Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will open His mouth and a sword will smite the nations. Israel will look and believe on the one with pierced hands.

Pray for the peace of Israel was a command from the lips of Jesus. May we be faithful in standing with Israel when it seems the whole world is against her. Always remember, Israel’s “Man of War” fights her battles. We don’t ever want to be on the wrong side of that battle.