Our good God has shown himself mighty and merciful again in 2022 just as He has always done. We as a church family have seen the Lord answer prayers by the hundreds and meet our needs daily. His grace has covered us over and over in the past year. The Lord has been our strength and hiding place when everything around us seems nuts.

Most pastors want the best for their people. My desire for the Corinth Baptist family is that each member, wherever they are in their spiritual walk, grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ this New Year (II Peter 3:18). Many of the members of our church have read their Bibles from cover to cover for years. In early January, we will give out certificates for those that completed reading the whole Bible during 2022. This new year, I want to challenge the whole church to commit to reading the whole Bible. I will be leading the way. Most years I don’t plan to read the whole Bible during the year. I focus on smaller passages or epistles that I read over and over. This year I will read the whole Bible again and I want you to do it with me.

What’s the plan of attack? We will read between 3 and 4 chapters each day. We will read some from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament each day. We will have Bible reading records that you can check off passages as you knock them off. Why do we need to do this as a church? We have a testimony of being a “Bible-believing” church. The Bible is our standard, our authority. It is truth that doesn’t change. My what an enduring foundation we have. The Bible is the information that God has chosen to give to us about everything of value. When you are talking with others about the Bible and they ask you if you believe it all, you will most likely say ‘yes.’ But if you haven’t read it all, how can you say that? This is a basic starting point for Christians. With this in mind, I want to have a minimum of 40-50 people this 2023 year commit to read the whole Bible as a church family. Will you get on board? It is a goal that is a worthy goal and will do nothing but benefit you. Your spirit will be refreshed daily and when the finish line is crossed you’ll smile knowing you honored the Lord concerning His word. You will learn things you never knew about the Christian life.