I raise my hand in favor of mothers. I think motherhood is noble, queenly, wonderful, amazing, miraculous, awesome, phenomenal, special, and to be admired. I’m sure you can add many more adjectives to my list about motherhood. The status of motherhood in our society has taken some hits in the past 75 years. The early feminists denigrated those women that choose to stay home, have children, and not climb the corporate ladder in business. More recently, true mothers are not only being denigrated, but also mocked by the actions and words of the “elites” as they celebrate that anyone can become a mother. These educated fools use phrases like “birthing people” and “chest feeding people” making the word mother a term of disrespect and derision. I for one am not buying it. We have over 7 billion people that are alive on the planet right now and everyone single one of them came from a biological woman. Not a single biological man has ever in the thousands of years of mankind ever given birth to a baby. God celebrated mothers beginning in Eden. Genesis 3:20 tells us that the first woman was called Eve, “because she was the mother of all living.” Eve was the one that got it all started with her husband Adam. Eve was several firsts. She was the first woman, a person with XX chromosomes. It was biological. Eve was the first wife, which is also a position to be celebrated. Thirdly, she was the first mother. A woman of “firsts.”

Is your mom still alive? If so, thank God you have the opportunity to speak to her and hug her. If she is already gone, cherish her memory and the happy times you had together. If you are a mom, then celebrate that status. It is a high status. I personally think there is none higher if God so choose to bless you in that way. A quick word to the young ladies in the faith. Don’t fall into the world’s thinking about motherhood. It is noble in and of itself. If God blesses you with a godly marriage and then children, know that you are doing what no man can do. You are blessing mankind with the continuance of the human race. It is a position to be honored, a position of miracle-making, a queenly position. Don’t ever forget that. That is the Bible’s stance on motherhood.