Recently, I have been telling my oldest grandchildren about Hoop-snakes, Slide-Rock-Bolters, Hidebehinds, and Splinter Cats. These fearsome creatures mostly live in the woods of North America, according to what I’ve read, and each one has different looks, traits, and ways of attacking along with scaring the life out of unsuspecting hikers. Once the story is finished the questions begin: “Have you seen one?” “Do you know anyone that has seen one.” “What would you do if you saw one?” Questions like these along with many others serve as springboards for other yarns. Of course, you probably know this, some of the responsibilities of a papa are to spark imagination, create a little fear causing grandkids to get up close to you and I have a lot of fun while instilling caution in their minds to danger. Recently, I had to be out of town for a couple of days and Carter was with Deb. They got home after dark, and Deb needed to cook a couple of Boston Butts on the smoker for families she was taking food to the next day. She said, “Carter, I need you to go out to Papa’s shop with me. It’s dark and I’m scared.” He looked at her saying, “Mimi, I’m scared too.” Why am I bringing up these fearsome creatures and writing about fear and being scared? Because many of God’s people are scared in these difficult times. Christians fret, worry and agonize over things they shouldn’t. I recently told a couple of people that over 90% of everything you worry about never happens. Fear paralyzes. The Bible is flush with verses about trusting the Lord and not living fearful lives. There is nothing that can happen to you that God doesn’t allow. This means, it is the will of God in our lives that we need. If you believe that God can’t protect you from dangers, your view of God is wrong. Nothing can touch the people of God unless the good Lord allows it. If something does come our way, it is for our good and His glory. Don’t live with fear. Splinter-Cats and Hidebehinds are mythical, while dangers can be real, but our God is a God that protects. There are things to do in the Lord’s work; let’s not get frozen by fear. Let me close with ten verses to ponder.

  • Isaiah 41:10, 13; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18; Joshua 1:9; Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 27:1; Deuteronomy 31:6; Matthew 10:28; Psalm 34:4; John 14:27.

BTW, I have a source if you’d like to rib the kids or grandkids a little about these “fearsome creatures.