Today, let me vent a little. On this day nineteen years ago, America lost 2,977 citizens when four planes were hijacked by radical Muslims. That day Al-Qaeda had struck a blow for Allah against the big Satan. The first two planes were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City. The third plane hit the Pentagon. The fourth was headed for the White House or the Capital when the passengers onboard fought with the terrorists. The famous last words from Todd Beamer were “let’s roll.” He led the group that tried to retake the fourth plane but kept it from hitting its target. They were successful. That plane went down in a field in Stoney Creek Township, PA. That attack began the War on Terror that continues to this day. Pay attention to the last four words of the last sentence, “continues to this day.” Don’t think for a moment that radical Islam has given up on a world-wide dominance. Let there always be a remembering and a vigilance concerning 9/11/01. Remember the sacrifices of the first responders. As firefighters and policemen rushed into those buildings, 343 firemen and 72 policemen were killed. This doesn’t include the thousands that still suffer from the smoke and trauma from those efforts to save lives. May there always be a little man somewhere in the back of your mind whispering to you, “Pay attention, there are haters, demonic men and women, seeking the destruction of America and its founding.” Remember this also, enemies come in many forms. The Bible tells us that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Normal Americans, not many politicians in Washington it would seem, realize that certain factions in the world and our own country wish us harm or death. On September 11, 2001, at the forefront was the Islamists mostly from Saudi Arabia. Today, in my opinion, the danger comes from within our own country as much as without. I think the two most dangerous places to be in America today are the womb and the university. Since 1973, killing babies has been a for profit sport via abortion and the minds of college kids have been stolen by professors indoctrinating with anti-American poppycock (think 1619 Project) for at least two generations. The radicals of the 1960’s are now the professors and administrators in public colleges and universities. If you doubt we have enemies, simply turn on the TV or do an internet search on the riots of the past several months. The same type of police that ran into those twin towers are now being hit in the head with bricks. The same type of firefighters that ran into the twin towers are now being shot at when they arrive to try and put out a fire. We have a lot to pray about.

Thanks for the vent time. Let’s not put our heads in the sand. Think. Don’t operate strictly on emotions. Emotional decisions are mostly always wrong. Ask what the Bible teaches us about our personal behavior and our response when attacks come. Remember things. Don’t forget 9/11/01. Don’t forget things like Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, or July 4, 1776, when the first signers of our Declaration of Independence penned their names to this document. BTW, the last signers put their names on that document on August 2nd. Walk Circumspectly. This simply means we observe what is happening, never forgetting that the things you see could be “an angel of light” i.e. Satan.