I was directed to a YouTube channel that was hilarious. My intentions are to watch more of this lady in the future. Her face is digitally altered, so she looks like a cartoon character with big eyes. She speaks about various things for a minute or two and finishes with “I ain’t doing it.” Today, I just want to drive one simple truth home concerning something God cannot do. Some of you may be thinking, “Has the preacher lost his mind?.” God can do anything, He is God. But there are limitations even to the Lord. Look with me at Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.” It is not possible for God to lie. That truth should be a source of comfort, peace, and faith for every one of us that names the name of Christ. If God could lie then the whole universe along with creation would collapse. When God makes a promise, count on it because God cannot lie. God promised eternal life through Christ. God promised the abundant life for those that want it. God promised His presence in our daily life. God promised that in persecutions and sufferings He would be with us. Hundreds of promises are found in the Bible. Some are to individuals such as Abraham or David, some are to the nation of Israel, some are to the churches in the New Testament era, and many are for you and me. The promises from God are better than money in the bank and a lot more secure. This weekend as you take care of your to-do-list remember this great truth, God cannot lie. If you want a laugh check out the lady on YouTube. Just type in “I ain’t doing it” and it’ll probably pop right up.