“Lord, send more rattlesnakes.” From time to time it is good to use humor to make a point. I have used this story in the past but some of our newer members may not have heard it and many who have may not remember it. Many years ago, I saw a humorous story that this story reminded me of. Once there was a wayward church family. They’d lost interest in God, the church or anything connected to the church. There was the father and his three sons, Jim, John and Sam. The preacher had visited them often talking with them about their souls. Others from the church had spoken with them and invited them to the services but none of the efforts seemed to do any good…One day the boys were out in the pasture when a large rattlesnake bit John and he became seriously sick. The doctor was called and after he had examined John he just shook his head and proclaimed, “all you can do now is pray.” So, the father called the preacher to come quickly. Once there they asked the preacher to “please pray.” The prayer was a little different. “O wise and heavenly Father, I thank thee, for thou in thy wisdom sent this rattlesnake to bite John, in order to bring him to his senses. He won’t darken the door of the church and has no interest in living right. He’s felt no need to pray, and I pray this will be a sobering lesson for him and that this will lead him to repentance…and now, O Father, wilt thou send another snake to bite Sam and another to bite Jim. And Lord, send a real big one to bite the old man. We have been doing all we can for years to get them to think about you, but it seemed to have little impact. It seems that all our combined efforts could not do what this one snake has done. We thus conclude that the only thing left that will help this family is rattlesnakes. So, Lord, send us bigger and better rattlesnakes. In Jesus name, Amen.”

Let’s not just think of Christ when our ox gets into a ditch. Let’s serve him all the days of our lives. Jesus ought to be more than a get out of Hell free card or a spare tire when life gives you a flat. If Christ is Lord of your life then it is time we all act like it.