A Habit of Jesus Jesus had quite a few things He did constantly. He was always going to the synagogue on the Sabbath Day. He was always compassionate with...
Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving – Psalm 100 At various times in life, we are excited about different things. It could be a new friend, a new job, a ball team, or a hobby. I remember...
Joy from Bible Words The words we use are important. We as Christians are admonished in the Bible to be careful in our conversation toward others. An example of...
The World’s Worst Missionary The grace of God does for others what we most likely wouldn’t. If we were the ones doling out the grace, we would probably be selective...
Moloch Sacrifice, Still Alive Today? The ancient Canaanites worshipped many gods, but the main god was called Moloch. Several names are offered in the Bible and extra-biblical...
A Bible and a Violin Edward Payson Scott was born in 1832 in the United States. His parents were devoted Christians and wished the Lord to use their son,...
Pillar and Ground of the Truth Have you ever missed a true understanding of a Bible verse? I have. The Fall of 1974, my first year of Bible college began. I loved...
Drifting Disobedience What does this title mean? It is simply a description of a huge number of Christians today. Let me give you a mental picture. You are in a...
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that...