The Biblical Mind “Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character.” This little proverb that’s been around for...
The Year Of The Locusts Joel 2:25-27 I know the title sounds like something from a Chinese restaurant. In 1889 in the area around the Red Sea a plague of locusts...
I Am Not Ashamed-Romans 1:16-17 Paul is in Corinth. The Lord sure has brought him a long way in the past twenty years. He has been an apostle called out of due time for...
Marketing the Mark of the Beast “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:...
Coming Home It was Christmas 1974. My first year of college was half over and the Christmas break had arrived. I had never been away from home or my...
I Want to be a Good One Many years ago, I heard a preacher tell a story of a man who lived in Texas and drank all the time. He was married to a lady that was a...
Where is God When it Hurts Psalm 42. If I were to title that Psalm it would be something like “Where is God When It Hurts?” Travel with me mentally back to the...
Nothing New “The craft that we call modern, The crimes that we call new, John Bunyan had them typed and filed In 1682.” – Rudyard Kipling...
Jephthah and His Daughter Judges 11 shares with us the story of a man that brings up good thoughts in some and evil thoughts in others. You can count me as believing...