Reading Your Bible or Praying? What is more important, reading your Bible or praying? That was a question I heard on a Christian radio station as I drove into the office...
Pleasure in the Works of God Psalm 111. My what a wonderful Psalm. It is an acrostic in the Hebrew. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is used by the unknown Psalmist...
God Will Visit You Joseph is a wonderful, perhaps the most perfect, type of Christ in the Old Testament. Almost all the people that lived on the pages of the...
Mars Hill Bravery The Apostle Paul was constantly being chased, harassed, and on certain occasions physically beaten, all for the cause of the Gospel of...
The Tribulation Temple Frequently people ask my opinion about prophecy and my understanding of certain passages in both the Old and New Testaments. “When will...
But Gather the Wheat Into My Barn Matthew 13 is familiar to students of the Bible. It concerns the parables of the Kingdom. The parable I wish for you to focus on today is...
Help Me! Do you find yourself at a loss for words when you pray? It seems that the closer the burden, the harder it is to find words. How much...
I’m Planning on Joy in the New Year Do you plan to have a good year this coming year? Proverbs 23:7 tells us that “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Last year...