God’s Home What images are conjured in your mind when you hear the word “home”? Today, Deb and I will leave our house early and travel to...
God’s Home What images are conjured in your mind when you hear the word home? Today, Deb and I will leave our house early and travel to SE Georgia....
God’s Generosity Access, blessings, and answers are all bestowed on us because of the generosity of God. God is the greatest of all givers. The first and...
God’s Generosity Access, blessings, and answers are all bestowed on us because of the generosity of God. God is the greatest of all givers. The first and...
Noah, the Preacher Those that follow my blog know that I hold to a literal interpretation of the scripture. A few days ago, I was driving my oldest...
Fearsome Creatures Recently, I have been telling my oldest grandchildren about Hoop-snakes, Slide-Rock-Bolters, Hidebehinds, and Splinter Cats. These fearsome...
Eli’s Only Bright Spot As the days of the Judges in Israel were about to cease, there is a man named Eli. He is the High Priest. We don’t really know how he...
God Can’t Do It! I was directed to a YouTube channel that was hilarious. My intentions are to watch more of this lady in the future. Her face is digitally...
Who Cares About Some Old Proverbs? Not fools; but a person that wishes to be wise certainly does. Today is September 1, so as I do many mornings, I opened my Bible to the...